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    JJI published a survey related to the 2024 Jember local election.

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Wendi Turk
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 2회   작성일Date 24-08-04 00:00


    Irawan mentioned that the data found the acceptance levels of regent hopefuls for Jember. The acceptance level of Hendy Siswanto is only 48.7 percent, less than 50 percent, while ex-regent Faida has an reception of 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, Fawait has an approval rating of 53 percent, and other figures such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat all have public receptions below 50 percent. "From the JJI survey, the voter preference (Top of Mind) of Faida as a regent candidate for Jember is in the top position with 37.7 percent. In second place is Hendy with 20.7 percent electability, followed by M. Fawait with an electability percentage of 17.7 percent," he clarified. Other figures, like Wajads, have 4.6 percent, and H. Supaat has 3.6 percent, with other candidates below 2 percent.

    The meeting focused on inflation and the 2024 local elections (Pilkada). "Oh yes, when party leaders meet, they discuss many things. But what we talked about was inflation. We also discussed the Pilkada," Zulkifli Hasan told reporters at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, on June 14, 2024. Zulkifli Hasan said he proposed ex-Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, to be nominated for the 2023 Jakarta Pilkada. According to him, the proposal was agreed upon by the party leaders present at the gathering. "Yes, I proposed Ridwan Kamil for Jakarta, and everyone agreed," he remarked. When asked whether Kaesang would run with Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, Zulkifli Hasan mentioned that it had not been decided yet. However, he stated that the party leaders required Kaesang to win the Pilkada. "Yes, I believe so. I informed at that time to the President whether Kaesang could. The President responded, 'No'. But the parties require him," he added. "Yes, but the parties need him. For what? To win," Zulhas continued. He thinks that Ridwan Kamil wouldn't have an issue with whoever accompanies him in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, as long as it ensures victory. Zulkifli Hasan mentioned that Ridwan Kamil's deputy will be decided by the party leaders. "Mr. RK (Ridwan Kamil) would accept anyone as long as they win. As long as they secure victory, we will discuss," said Zulhas.

    The Chairman of DPD PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) West Java, Ono Surono, said that no party in the Land of Sunda can nominate a governor and deputy governor in the 2024 West Java Pilkada without forming political cooperation .

    063005700_1673178133-IMG_20230108_125349.jpgThe results show that three candidates are competing in the 2024 Jember Pilkada: Faida, the ex-regent of Jember, Muhammad Fawait from the East Java DPRD, and Hendy Siswanto, the incumbent Regent of Jember. "The data reveal that Hendy Siswanto and Faida are very popular by the people of Jember, with awareness rates surpassing 80 percent. 82.7 percent of the people know Faida, Hendy Siswanto has 78.7 percent recognition, and Muhammad Fawait has a 65.7 percent awareness rate. Other candidates, such as Jaddin Wajads, Education Head Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat of PDI Perjuangan, have popularity ratings below 40 percent," said A. Irawan in a formal statement on Saturday.

    098364400_1517894044-5768d578-864e-42a6-8cfa-512ce355f321.jpg"We are fully aware, and with our current fourth rank, we realize it is unlikely for us to aim for the number one position. So, PDI Perjuangan will aim for the number two position, the deputy governor," he said .

    096028600_1572401872-gibran_a_muayad2.jpgFurthermore, Ono hopes that the 2024 presidential and legislative elections, which were marked by massive, structured, and systematic fraud (TSM), will not be repeated in the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada .

    nAnies mentioned that dialogue with all figures, including Prabowo, is necessary for regional development . "Ultimately, we want every region in Indonesia to have leadership that advances and brings joy to its residents," he said. For more information on kpu debat pilkada review our own web site. "So, God willing, we will have dialogues with everyone, discussions with everyone," added the former presidential candidate

    041640200_1700232225-Info_1.jpgSecretary-General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno said that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) decided to support the same candidate in several regions participating in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. "We stated from the beginning that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, especially for the DKI Pilkada, we will agree to endorse a uniform candidate pair, and

    "We meet with everyone. So, we are very pleased to have discussions with everyone, to exchange thoughts with everyone," said Anies, quoted by Antara, Friday (June 21, 2024). [Read More](5624160 5624208 5623387

    "Technically, I ask KPU friends at the provincial, regency/city levels to always coordinate with local governments, the military, police, prosecutors, and courts, so that in carrying out their work or tasks, the election organizers can work well," said Hasyim .

    "In the current election, we have to be realistic. For example, why are we communicating with PKS when there has never been cooperation between PDIP and PKS before? With the condition of KIM possibly forming in West Java, it leaves only PDIP, PKS, PPP. We don't know about NasDem, whether they will join the government. PKB has already, and we are continuously communicating with PPP and PKS," explained Ono.


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